
Showing posts from December, 2022

[AEM Package installation issue] : Newer package version com.myapp:myapp.ui.apps:x.x.x-SNAPSHOT was installed externally. Marking as ignored.

  Few days back I was looking into a package installation issue in one of the environment.  Issue was related to deployment. Even after deployment was successful some packages were not getting installed automatically. I need to manually install those packages to have the update changes.  Error log was saying something: 08.12.2022 08:42:54.382 *INFO* [OsgiInstallerImpl] com.adobe.granite.installer.factory.packages.impl.PackageTransformer Newer package version com.myapp:myapp.ui.content:2.10.0-SNAPSHOT was installed externally. Marking as ignored. Reason: In that particular instance, once some packages with version 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT was deployed and now we were trying to deploy package with version 2.10.0-SNAPSHOT, so AEM was not accepting those packages by saying that you already have higher version package installed. Means you already have updated code installed. Solution: In the above scenario, to make your latest code deployed automatically, you need to somehow increase the version of y